Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My God

Jesus is my God.

When the going gets tough and reasons fail to suffice,
I know Jesus is the reason above all reasons.

When the things I am doing for God is wearing me out,
I will remember one Person.

When no one or nothing seems to be able to explain what is happening to me,
I will trust Him.

I can only hang on to Him and cling to Him as tightly as i can. Cos i know i mean something to Him.

He has brought me so far, He will bring me further.
But even if not, i will love Him becos He is God and He died for me.

When all else fails and fades away, when my heart is broken and faith is empty, I will love my God and know that He will save.


Anonymous said...


:: 哭泣的星星 :: said...

Oei Mr. Koh, don't know who said wanna blog more often last month, but we're already in this month, still got nothing fresh to read here!!! @ @"

I'm turning into a stale fish soon, feeding on last month's food...