Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Love, Pursuit and Power

Was in lecture the other day, it was a fluids mechanics lecture.
Was gg to fall into a trance when i heard the lecturer said these words, "Where is the source of the actual power?"

Yeah, yeah.. Prof where is the source of the actual power?
If I want it, then i will have to go the source to draw the power.
My handphone loves the charger, my fan seeks the power socket.
How about me?

One thing i found out about love.. it takes a solid foundation and encouraging words.
Personally, i find encouraging words spoken at the wrong timings totally disgusting.
So speaking encouraging words also got timing one.. and the type of words we choose is important too. Then finally is your relationship with the person. If u dun noe anything about this person, then dun talk like u knew the person for centuries le. Rather, Love ultimately rests on the foundation of understanding. U cannot genuinely love that which u do not understand.
tts why we go service.
tts why we go CG.
tts why we go BS.
Cos He whom u do not understand, u cannot genuinely love..
He whom u do not understand, u cannot communicate with.
Sustained Efforts are needed.
It is not to bring results.
It is a constant proof of our love and pursuit.
Wheni keep doing something regularly, it is not because i know it will bring results.
I can bring it to results but not necessary so..
I will plant the seed, I will water the seeds, But GOD gives the increase.
so it is not up to us to say its enough.
Its up to the wisdom of God to tell us when to stop.
By the way, what applies to God applies to people too.
Dun u love people to praise, worship and talk about what u doing.. haha...

ok... long complicated entry of my thoughts.
If u know me, u know what i talking about.

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