Sunday, May 22, 2011

Peeling the Flesh off our Lives

Cleansing our lives is the only way to walk with God. Jesus has died and lived again for our cleansing. Cleansing! The only way to have a vessel ready to receive anointing. The substance from heaven to live the impossible. The substance of transport of life from a believer to a non believer, our families and to another believer.The only way our words can have power and words are building blocks of our lives. No great exploit in the kingdom ever started without believers talking to each other and God. Cleanse! how shall a young man cleanse his ways?

He decides to turn to God's word every time. Though he may fall in the darkness, he turns around to walk into the light, confident that God Himself will accept him and that his mercies are new every morning. Take an active step to humble ourselves. Believe in God's mercy and his unconditional love for us. He takes away our guilt and place in us the anticipation of heaven descending into our lives on earth. His faith is built up in God. He does not wallow in his own sins and its sorrow for fear of his inadequacy to approach God. Eventually, the godliness in his spirit grows and the evil rots. He lives the life God intends for him to live. For His Kingdom and for His people. To plant and to build. To pull down the strongholds of the enemy. To withstand the heat of battle. To have absolute loyalty to Him. To build the people of God. To water himself in His presence and love Him with his heart and his soul. To cleave his spirit to His, to ask and receive His forgiveness, to depend on Him with the soul. The young man chooses to fall in love in God over and over again. Life overflows of the young man and his life falls into the death of the dead and they taste of life. Words, actions and a life of life.

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