Monday, June 30, 2008

Choose to Build, Not to Destroy

In the Bible, there are a few mentions of special relationships between the leader and his armourbearer.

One of the most special relationships is the one between Jonathan and David.
The Word of God tells us that their souls were knitted together.

When Samuel anointed David to be King, David did not immediately receive the kingdom.
David is not immediately ready. The vision is not complete. His faith, the substance of his reality to be, is not complete. If his vision were a building, it probably lacked a few pillars or a few bricks here and there.

Jonathan was one of the man sent to David to put in a few pillars.
Jonathan loved David.

Friends, when our leaders cast a vision before us, do we kill the vision with doubt, unbelief and quiet criticism? Or do we cast in our lot with him and build the vision with him?

The building is not complete, choose to put in the pillar, choose to strengthen the vision of the leader.

I believe and I choose to cast in my lot with my leader.

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