Saturday, December 29, 2007
It probably doesn't get worse than this..
5 The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.
6 In my distress I called upon the LORD,
And cried out to my God;
He heard my voice from His temple,
And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Freedom is being at ease with God.
Freedom is coming into reconciliation with God
Freedom is knowing in your spirit that u agree with God in life.
Why would anyone confront God on his/her own terms?
Life is tough enough with God around.
Without Him, U r gonna be barely breathing...
But for fear... we confront God..
But for thoughts.. we confront God..
But for unforgiveness.. we confront God..
Give it up. Faith, Miracles, Reconciliation.. Freedom.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Salvation Altar Calls
YET, despite the truth of God's word, some friends respond and some do not.
If you realise also, there are some Christians among us that seem to be able to move the hearts of friends more than others.
I asked God why.
I always thought inviting someone to respond to salvation altar calls should be one of the most natural and easy thing to do for a Christian yet it doesn't feel so.
Well the answer came to me as I pass by a funeral.
God asked me what is the condition of the guy in the casket?
I was thinking, "Dead?"
Then I was reminded of the scriptures where Peter faced away from the dead body he was gg to resurrect.
Death sucks away our faith. Thus Peter prayed before he confronted Death.
Non Christians are spiritually dead people. If they are spiritually alive, that will be doubly scary.
We are all like Peter. We are trying to resurrect some dead spiritual men here.
We need that faith when we ask our friends.
We ask but sometimes we do not expect anything to happen.
Nothing will happen.
Sometimes they do go down even when we had no faith.
but its not because of some non-origin miracle.
We need to go the distance in our spirits when we ask.
We wrestle against powers and principalities.
We cannot underestimate the amount of faith needed in such an encounter.
We wrestle not against FLESH and BLOOD but POWERS and PRINCIPALITIES.
There are cases where not much wrestling is needed.
The reason is because the battle was already won somewhere before the altar call.
I won this kind of battle before and truly this is the best form of the battle.
Even before u go in, u know u will win.
It takes effort but it is worth it.
There is a very important thing that happens in nature which Christians need to realise.
Its something called gestation.
People always read about Jesus' explosive 3 and a half year ministry, Peter bringing 3000 to salvation in one service etc etc. Yet the gestation for such miracles to be born is hugely long.
Jesus Son of God took 30 years. Moses took 80. Joshua took 40. Jacob a similar number of years. Every hero of faith had a long gestation period or what we would call preparation periods.
Do not expect maggi mee style miracles all the time. If you live on that, where is the substance there of?
Sustain, be continuous in the spirit. Forget about slacking. Forget about freebies from heaven.
I mean if they come i would grab them like a true Singaporean. But they are not my source of happiness nor proof of partnership with God Almighty.
I would treasure my position as a intelligent co-worker with God more than any spiritual handout and blessings. Leaders grab from God continuously to give to themselves and followers.
Friends, build works that stand the test of fire.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
These Days
Its been days in which I found many of my own weaknesses crippling myself.
But its also days which tells me where to go from here on.
So overall its good.
Haha about the previous entry.. Its jus the feeling some girls give me.
hmmm, Guys who read literature have hearts which move faster than their brains.
Ok.. its personal opinion..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Beautiful Girls read Literature..
Because it seems like literature was written for them..
jus a thought, a funny thought.
Monday, November 12, 2007
3 things you should never do in your life..
Number 2: Never let your Guard down. You might suddenly act like the Devil is your best friend.
Number 3: Never Complain even if you are tired. You will only get more tired and end up doing number 1 and number 2. Warning: You will regret!!
“[Do Not Love the World] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.”- 1 John 2:15-16
Remember when you wanna get a lift from someone, ALWAYS CHECK!!! CHECK WHAT?
The purpose...
Foolishness is forgetting the purpose and acting recklessly.
Forgetting our purpose in life will result in leading our lives in insanity.
If we are aware of our purpose, we remain alert to the conduct of our lives.
Over 30 000 men set off with Gideon to overcome the enemies.
Fear took away two thirds and lack of alertness took away one third.
Only 300 went in to slay the enemies.
Be ready in season and out of season.
There are billions of christians out there. There will only be a small percentage who will overcome the enemies of our age and time.
Let it be you..
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I will need a one way ticket to Marseilles.
Then I will take a taxi to its harbour.
There will be boats.
They will bring me to this Island called Corsica.
And I will see the legionnaires.
And then I will stay with them.
And maybe tell them more about Singapore and my church.
That Look..
That look which brings memories away..
That look which calmed the heart and all its pains and burdens.
The world faded away in that instant.
I was no painter and i could not draw those eyes.
I had no camera and could not capture a photograph.
I was no poet i could not write a beautiful verse.
But one thing I knew.
A heart that once was dead but now alive.
so I set that look on the mould of my heart.
So it calms me down.
so that I remember why I chose the things I chose.
Yet nothing lasts forever.
maybe God
But not that look.
And I knew I may not see it again.
So it was I had to leave those eyes behind
And find that brave new world.
Because I have a dream I need to walk.
So someday by some miracle, I want to see those eyes again.
Friday, November 9, 2007
If I were you...
try to use that e next time but for now..
Let it bleed..
Let it hurt..
I love Jazz..
hahha... I can't sing... but I definitely love to listen...
so yea I love Jazz..
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I have a dream
N i am gg to work so hard for it to come to pass.
becos I have a dream....
The dream that one day i would look back n tell myself, "WOW!!, what a wild ride that was!!!"
Abel, by faith, gave an acceptable offering.
Abraham the father of our faith believed that his descendants shall number a nation when he had no heir.
Isaac, by faith, sowed his seeds in a land of drought and reaped in the year a hundredfold return.
Jacob, by faith, wrestled with God for his undeserved spiritual blessings and from his loins, the nation of Israel, God's chosen people, was birthed forth.
Joshua, by faith, marched round Jericho, the most fortified city of Canaan, seven times and conquered it.
Caleb, by faith, said, "give me this mountain"
Joseph, by faith, held to the dream which God gave him and he became the prime minister of the richest nation of his time.
I was thinking all these guys cannot be boring guys. They could all be cool, rich , handsome, GENTLE?, yea.. I mean most people think Bible is written for boring narrow minded people to coop themselves away from e world.. but i believe it is a cool book written for cool people by a cool God... yea..
I was thinking if they blogged, what would they blogging about?
Haha.. jus a thought.. I was thinking about myself. Like why I am the way I am... then I gotta admit a few things to myself first.. Number 1, I am actually terribly shy...
I am so shy sometimes I cannot pronounce my words well, cannot bring myself to call people's names, refuse to talk about my feelings.. though i have a lot of them.. so shy my actions and words can go a bit haywire.. That was the original me.. still shy nowadays though less people see it. I am still not good at calling names... sometimes i don't answer questions or look people in the eye or don't even talk to some people... Well well there were a few friends before whom i could be totally at ease.
but all that is going to change..
Hard to believe right? but eh I am.. sometimes.. and its affecting my life all the time, the way i connect with people, esp those who are very different from me.
One more thing, I am so boring... i mean.. sometimes i bore myself.. haha..
I mean anyone would rather read 3 Jane Austen's book, one after another or even Charles Dickens or even Book of Isaiah than read this bloody blog.. haiz.. goodness.. sometimes i think i am living life in such a way that it stays super duper shitty boring..
I am 22 le... goodness 22.. I am gg to get OLD soon.. haha
To BE Continued
Thursday, October 25, 2007
But one thing i have heard from God n am convinced in my heart.
Progress needs to be flowing in the blood of leaders.
Creativity needs to be flowing in the blood of leaders.
Faith needs to be flowing in the blood of leaders.
Tenacity needs to be flowing in the blood of leaders.
A burning heart for Jesus n His people needs to be flowing in the blood of people.
Most importantly, Diligence n Wisdom needs to be burning in the blood of people.
Anymore qualities u think is veri important?
Pls add to the list..
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wealth Transfer.
v10 So it shall be, when the LORD your God brings you into the land of which he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build,
v11"houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant-when you have eaten and are full-
The context here was God warning the people against disobedience when they have attained the stage of financial independence.
But in the warning, there was God's promise of great wealth for His people, brought about by obedience(if you read the previous 9 verses), a wealth which has been stored up by the Canaanites who dwelled the land before the Israelites.
Obedience is the key to the wealth that God had others stored up for you. Like Abraham, I believe that the ram is climbing up on the other side of the hill when i am climbing on this one.
Hope its not too boring...
Maybe can share if i have a shot at offering next time.. haha..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hi Everyone..
Actually I've got lots to write about in this entry.
I can share revelations but...
Lets talk about the old W302 in this entry.
Well they were a fine bunch of people..
People like Wei Yan, Kgoon Liang, Dennis.. Strong people.
I am honored to call them friends.
I am expecting them to break through in many ways n so I am not going to slack.
I remember these people because they helped me to grow.
They help me to keep going.. Learnt a lot from each one of them.
New W302...
Very new, a lot of potential.. These people I am looking at in this new CG are going to shape tomorrow.. So I am gg to make sure I am have one hand in tomorrow.
Meng, Qin, Tammy, Ruix, Jan... fantastic...
My new CG members are also great...
Ok think i cannot say too much.. My thoughts are many though.
Today was watching the video about e schools Sun built.
They are not just schools but spiritual strongholds.
I know 2 things are being done.
1. A nation's future is being shaped.
2.The gates of hell is being stormed.
I know I want to stick around in this church. Cos where God's battering ram meets the gate of Hell, I wanna be there..
ok, back to books NOW..
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
My God
When the going gets tough and reasons fail to suffice,
I know Jesus is the reason above all reasons.
When the things I am doing for God is wearing me out,
I will remember one Person.
When no one or nothing seems to be able to explain what is happening to me,
I will trust Him.
I can only hang on to Him and cling to Him as tightly as i can. Cos i know i mean something to Him.
He has brought me so far, He will bring me further.
But even if not, i will love Him becos He is God and He died for me.
When all else fails and fades away, when my heart is broken and faith is empty, I will love my God and know that He will save.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Children Church
I went back to the times when i was in kindergarten.. hhahah
ok When i was a child.. I attended a christian kindergarten.
Everyday before i have my lunch, i say grace.
Well as you can guess, i still remembered hw i said grace during that time.
It was a magical moment when all of us quietened down n said, " Thank you Jesus for the food and drink... the rest i cannot really remember. But that became my grace. Thank You Jesus.
When i had my birthday, my mother will bring a huge cake to school.
My teacher will set it on a table in front of the whole class. I be in front and the class will celebrate my birthday. I nv had a celebration again till i came to church.
And i remembered the simple celebration in school because it was special.
It was Jurong Calvary Kindergarten and i prob will nv forget tt place and tt classroom.
I went to sunday school.. there they told us stories.. and there was a old dusty library where they kept bibles and not much else..i read my first bible there...
Once i missed my bus which was gg to bring me back home from sunday school, 2 teachers who drove past me stopped their car and sent me home. And i told my mother the bus auntie forgot about me. But it was alright. It was one of my first rides in a car!!
Hahaha.. those were e memories from so long ago.. but it was in God's plan that when i went to CCH, it felt natural... like gg back to so long ago.
The services in CCH are awesome. The prescence of God there is strong beyond anything i could imagine before that. I could feel Him everytime i step into the audi so much so i became afraid sometimes. And those messages the teachers preach to the children, i always listened till i cry.
I mean i thought tt would nv happen. Those messages were for kids. But i teared. Cos in those simple words, God was so real.
Those children i know will come to Christ, if not while they are young then when they are like me... Man i hate those damn bombastic words and fanciful theory that some people like to use.
They are wearisome to the core of my spirit. I will always think cut the bullshit man and jus get to the point.
Jesus loves you, u sure that is shallow?
That is e deepest thing that we should know.
He just went to the cross and died for you because He loves you.
So after that i went to children church to help out, could nv get into drama ministry no matter hw i tried... then after that i went helping out at CCH again and again until yup, i am now in it.
Hi KIDS, Teacher Yuan Xing is here!!
haha.. Grrrr....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The things u r happy about are different.
The things u r not happy about are different.
Things u r thinking about r different.
gotta start writing some narratives instead of listing down general meanings..
haha.. its harder..
gotta take some time..
next time maybe
Monday, September 17, 2007
Things like not praying, wilfully sinning against the Word of God, not being open and disciplable, nt reading the Bible daily.
I believe the same things will stun the relationship between people.
Things like nt communicating, wilfully making use of other people and doing things that e person dun like, nt being open about issues and such..
Very soon, there be nothing left.
Death will creep in..
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Well, i wanna blog quite often this month..
Lotsa things to think about.
Lotsa asking and praying to do
Heard my CCH leaders talked about personal development.
How that it could help us give more to serving God in the long run.
It would mean some changes to life as i know it now.
Worth thinking about..
but i think i should start with my guit first.
Secondly, another CCH leader talked about purposes of every relationship of our life.
Very true also.. so we gotta be clear about that in our most important relationships, lest we sin against it or let it run aground.
I asked her to say more cos the conversation was cut short but she said next week.
hmm i wonder if i can afford to let it drag till nxt week. I gotta make some moves.
On the question of faith, on how we confront the mountains of our life and encourage others to do so.. Sometimes we offend people when we challenge them to do difficult things.
And sometimes we back off..
I suggest in the natural we can and should let off here and there sometimes.
But in the spirit, NO!!!
In the spirit we press on..
Because we have to suffer another's displeasure to move them on.
We can afford to lose their liking, their services to us, the happiness of a stormless friendship.
The question is the timing.
On matters which seems beyond our reach, we pray.
tt God gives an opening and we take it by storm.
Finally, God gave the call and we got to be dilligent in wearing the mantle.
We can grow ourselves and grow people.
so God will provide, cos if He doesn't i will stall..
so Jesus.. let it flow...
Let me be tied to You forever..
I think something inside me died today.
You r nt a replacement for anybody.
The place u occupy is unique and nv was occupied by any other.
If there was another who came close, it died.
Dun jus listen to what people say.
Check it out for yourself Truth.
Have Faith, dun listen to those who nv been there before.
Ask those who's been there before.
Would you believe me if i told you what happens in a girl school?
So Know this.
You r important.. whoever is reading.
Because if u think tt u r nt important, u will treat other people tt way too.
As unimportant.
But You r important, more important than u ever think u r.
Jus think about the impact u make with one expression, one simple act of kindness and encouragement. Or even jus talking about which bus service gets you home faster, or making funny noises about nt getting your calls answered.
So watch what u say and think, cos i think something died inside of me today.
Love... protect... patient... gentle... humble... endures... never fails...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Love, Pursuit and Power
Was gg to fall into a trance when i heard the lecturer said these words, "Where is the source of the actual power?"
Yeah, yeah.. Prof where is the source of the actual power?
If I want it, then i will have to go the source to draw the power.
My handphone loves the charger, my fan seeks the power socket.
How about me?
One thing i found out about love.. it takes a solid foundation and encouraging words.
Personally, i find encouraging words spoken at the wrong timings totally disgusting.
So speaking encouraging words also got timing one.. and the type of words we choose is important too. Then finally is your relationship with the person. If u dun noe anything about this person, then dun talk like u knew the person for centuries le. Rather, Love ultimately rests on the foundation of understanding. U cannot genuinely love that which u do not understand.
tts why we go service.
tts why we go CG.
tts why we go BS.
Cos He whom u do not understand, u cannot genuinely love..
He whom u do not understand, u cannot communicate with.
Sustained Efforts are needed.
It is not to bring results.
It is a constant proof of our love and pursuit.
Wheni keep doing something regularly, it is not because i know it will bring results.
I can bring it to results but not necessary so..
I will plant the seed, I will water the seeds, But GOD gives the increase.
so it is not up to us to say its enough.
Its up to the wisdom of God to tell us when to stop.
By the way, what applies to God applies to people too.
Dun u love people to praise, worship and talk about what u doing.. haha...
ok... long complicated entry of my thoughts.
If u know me, u know what i talking about.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A Verse
I will pour My Spirit on ALL people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old man will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
I will show wonders in the heaven above
and signs on the earth below,
Blood and Fire and Billows of Smoke.
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved."
The end of the quote in Acts.
However, Joel did not end there.
He continues,
For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
there will be deliverance,
as the LORD has said,
among the SURVIVORS
whom the LORD CALLS.
The first part is a straight lift from Acts.
Spoken by Peter. Originally from Joel.
In the midst of the Blood and Fire and Billows of Smoke, the young men will see visions, the old men their dreams and many will prophesy.
God will work in the midst of Blood and Fire and Billows of Smoke.
It speaks of WAR if u understand blood and fire and billows of smoke.
The second part speaks of the Survivors,
whom the LORD calls.
It is like the reading of the day, old verse, read it a million times, just that my eyes widened at the different parts.
Friday, August 24, 2007
About Our FIrst Occupation
King of Sparta met the Commander of another Greek State on the high mountains with a weak breeze blowing.
The Other Commander brought thousands of soldiers to resist the army of persian King Xerxes while King of Sparta brought only 300(as the title suggests).
The Other Commander spoke to King of Sparta with some contempt, stating that he expects the strongest military state in Greece to contribute more Soldiers in the combined Greek Army.
King of Sparta responded coolly.
He asked the soldier on the other side what his occupation was. "Farmer" came the reply. He asked another. "Sculptor" came the reply.
Now the point was made.
The other Greek armies were made of citizens like the SAF but the Spartans were different. The first calling of every male is to be a Soldier. There were a total of 20 000 males in the city state of Sparta and all of them were trained as Soldiers. The city's economy was supported by 200 000 slaves.
It caused me to ask myself the question, " What is MY Occupation?"
The textbook answer was of course, "Full time Christian, Part time Student."
Then I asked myself, "What then is the first calling of a Christian?"
It became obvious to me that my first calling was to Christ, Prayers and Obeying His words. (which means i have to read them)
So the most simple things were the most important.
Because Nothing in a Christian is built other than being built upon these 2 pillars. Everything else is secondary.
But on what foundations do we sit?
Jesus is a brother, a friend, a Lord.
One day, He will cause us to account to all aspects of our relationship with Him.
How many moments do I wanna miss with God?
How much good quality time do i wanna miss with Him?
How many of His exciting blessings do i wanna miss?
How many times do i wanna defy His will for me?
I wanna trust in God all my life.
Cos He is the strength of my heart and the Source of my faith.
My first Occupation is to be a Christian.
A Christian Heart, Brain and Life.
I pray when i go see my spiritual muscles, it is an 8-pack like the Spartan Soldiers... hahaha... Big Biceps and Scary Triceps. Strong Legs which can run to the Ends of this Earth..
Remember Jesus..
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Not news anymore..
Lots of work to do.
Preparation for everything.
So do rem to amuse urself from time to time with the things u love to do.
Like blog more?
Exams in 12 weeks time.. so encouraging..
so yup... i am gg to read and go on some music now.
come some of the MUSIC!!!!
Here was King David after God through Nathan the prophet revealed to David that He shall establish his house and kingdom forever.
It was probably at this point in time that King David knew that he is going to be his Lord's earthly great grandfather.
He gave thanks to God.
2 Samuel 7
v18 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: " who am I, O LORD GOD? And what is my house, that You have brought me so far?
v19 "And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O LORD GOD; and You have also spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come. Is this the manner of man, O LORD GOD?
David was saying how little our circumstances meant to God. God makes the best out of everyone of us. Yet in our own eyes, more than others. He has wired us such that the degree and type of our desires varies. There is a different balance point for all of us. So He actually knows how to treat each and ever individual well in a highly specific way. Err, for example, the more money u earn, the more work u have to put in... so He knows when you have come to breaking point and earned the most u could have at that point in time. Very technical example. Errrr yeah, i know its not very clear.. but i hope u roughly get the idea.
Now the word is specific.
so yup... God is good all the time. If everything else is a blur... hahaha..
Sunday, August 12, 2007
An old part of me is coming back..
Was on the way back from expo in Xiwei's car when I heard Susan say she got 6 new kids come to church this week...
i mean.. Praise the Lord for those 6 kids.. but why not my group..
i hate to lose.. i hate to not be leading the pack.. n e fact that her group was Esther's din help..
The part of me with the fighting spirit came out man and i am so jealous.. i am going mad.. n i am gg to do something about tt.. i am gg to beat that... let her start the race i alr nt very happy le.. Arrrrrghhh
I need to have a pioneering spirit.. she having exams somemore.. and she is so young.. And obviously she did something right and 6 kids in 2 days is simply supernatural..
Something in me is bursting man.. and today jus kanna dua by my friend.
I pray i wake up every morning with this frustration and that it gets stronger and stronger.. Remember the humiliation... by someone younger, more busy and more faith..
Arrrrrrghhhh....!!!!! God!!!!
I am burning.. I know You have the way.. I jus wanna know how You want us to do it..
My soul cannot rest... its that kind of feeling tt drives u crazy..
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Jus Talked to a Very Weird Person
A person who reads about the great preachers of the world and wants to be like them. But even great generals started with learning how to fire his weapon, reload it, take care of it, clean it, oiling it..
Not that i dun have faith and i dun want to be a great person, but VWP, I truly hope u be a super great person one day...and pls go find urself a GF to fire ur theories at la...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Taking some time to blog here.
Cos its been a long time since i blog and i jus wanna keep it up and maintain this blog.
Its been a few days since deliverance service with Pst Mike. It was truly a new experience although it is nt my first deliverance service. Its my first time so close to the action. Learnt a bit more about spirits. But the keyword is "so close". The next time the deliverance services come along, i pray i be in the thick of the action. Was helping Ken get tissue and plastic bags.. One after another.. seeing people delivered left right centre..
Then after that was tuition after tuition again. gg to school to get notes and preparing to start school. And meeting people. or getting people to meet people.. haha..
And FOP is tonight. I think that the best part would be the sharing of the Word. Cos Pst Phil is comin to preach. He imparts faith.Faith that if u keep it and fuel it with wisdom will bear fruits in every aspect of ur life, esp in ur R/S with God..
Finally, And the worst part will be trying to get home. For those who know me, u will know why.. Home is so hard to reach.. haha.. If i had money, i will buy 4 cars, a van and a few handsome and relational Christian bodyguards who can drive. it be worth the money.. haha. Dun noe if i will get chewed for this.. haha.
Right, gg out right nw to City Hall to meet a long lost friend.. nxt week school starts.. great..
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Blogging at 1142 on Tuesday
The most fully packed week i think for ages...
Friday was the start of it all..
BS FT2 lesson 7 given by Ken to me and Meng at 11a.m.
Badminton and gym with Tsoon Liang from 2 till 4 plus in the afternoon
Was running all over the court trying to hit the shuttlecock.
Tuition from 6 till 7.30pm with my dear Lionel... He is by far my most inquisitive student and the best i have ever taught.. my dear neighbour.
Visitation for about an hour or so with Teacher Esther and oh ya a little nap before tt which caused me to run late for visitation.
Dinner at 9.20 before appearing at RiverWalk to meet Mr Suanh Pi from faraway Burma..
A simple man he was and very cheerful, though his pronounciation of English is slightly different from ours. Found out he like watching cable TV though.. He is gg to join us for CG on friday!! Heard he is gg to malaysia to visit his uncle and aunt next week though. Most prob he is going to come back cos he already got job offer from a construction company. Says he is going to treat me when he starts working. Well i told him i am waiting earnestly. Offering to treat Yuan Xing to dinner.. Wrong Choice... Muahahaha!!!
Then it was saturday.. 8.50 arrived in JW church for CCH, served till 4 with many interesting events in between. Love serving nowadays, very different from earlier days.. Pst Eileen actually noticed me in service (for the worng reasons) while conducting svc and spoke to me at the end of the day at Expo.
U cannot believe how sharp she can be in spotting the mistakes i made. I was so far away and this is what she said.. " You gotta be more gentle with the kids, they are after all jus children, dun be too rough with them, ok?" Oh my, i almost fainted..
I am hearing some laughs now.. hahaha...
Children Church Service was awesome though.. We are on a series with the title of “ Putting God First”. A series that I think even people in main services need.
We sang some old songs in service and I wept.
The song went tis way, “ though none is with me, I still will follow”
The purpose was to tell the kids, “hey dun jus come to church becos of friends, friends come u come, friends dun come u also dun come… Church is about God”
To me though, I felt a different way. I felt God’s presence and His love jus pour down on me.. and I wept…Truly love covers a multitude of sins.. God’s love is a cover over my life.
Although we keep preaching and coming against cheap grace.. but as Christians, u cannot accomplish much without knowing the extent of God’s grace in our lives.
The forgiveness that we do not deserve, the favour we receive which is totally not because we are better than others.. and many many more.. I feel humble people are those who also know the extent of God’s grace in their lives, so they know that it is not their strength which brought them to where they are. It is jus because God loves and He gives.
That is why I cannot stand it when people start saying that backslidden people cannot come back anymore quoting Hebrews 10:26. He spoke like he nv experienced God’s grace… haiz.. talking about a person’s sister somemore and the person was right in front of him… think he needed some grace there and then.. a lot of people who are still in church stayed because God spent so much effort holding us back when we feel like backsliding.. when we thought we are beyond hope, when I thought to myelf, “this time sure die”.. He upholds us and exalts us way above who we are when He reveals to us what we might accomplish for him, our worth in His eyes… Jus feel that the reason that I stayed in church for the short past 3 years is not because I am so loyal and good and strong. It is because God loved me.. I dun noe how to put it… u gotta find out for yourself the depth of His love.. and keep reminding ourselves about it. I know I am going to find out that it is much deeper than what I thought..
yup then after that, service at Expo with Pst Kong preaching about prayers and quiet time and fasting. and also about engaging in the understanding when speaking in tongues.. interesting.. Gotta pray more, and jus soak in the presence of God. yea..
Then after that in discipleship session with Lynn till around 2130
Then stayed back to wait for the SWOT people to end class.
Was sitting outside conference room comfortably with Tracy and talking when Pst Eileen walked by, I greeted her and there she spoke to me..
yea.. thank God i waited.. cos if not, how would i have a chance for Pst to talk to me.. haha.. ok i am a bit ermmm... haha...
Then went to BK with Susan, Tracy, David, Yuncui and several SWOT people at T2. Saw Susan sprayed ketchup on Tracy.. and herself.. lol. And she sharing her life story in BK. Till we caught the last train home.
Sunday met Suanh Pi and Jan and went to service together.
Then off to fellowship at PS, yet again.. ate at Yoshinoya and then jalan jalan till 4. The rest went home and i met Jan for his newspaper interview with Zaobao. Was so stoned by then... then went for Dinner at MFM and then jalan jalan a bit.. met Min Min, Dennis's friend who came for NUS amazing race and my CCH friend, Alex.. then went home and reached around 9pm, managed to catch the last part of National Treasure and then dinner again.
bathed and slept finally.
Sweet sleep for hours.... then Monday got even better. Went to Chinatown to meet cousin who came from China with her husband. I din even know she existed b4 Monday... lol
Went tuition after tuition after tuition after that and was very dead beat. Definitely gg to let go of some when school reopens.. 7 cores and an elective... God pls help me.. but $$ is impt too.. ok.. studies is impt, way more impt..
Tue was great, jus finished making a flyer for the children's outreach.
The first Flyer in my life... a truly heroic attempt i felt it was...
Hope the children are gonna love it.. haha.. and bring lotsa friends..
Had some help though, from more tech savvy friends.
Had been looking for pictures all over the internet to paste on my flyer.
Couldn't find any so I engaged Yuna's help.
She produced an outstanding draft and i nearly went down to NP to look for her to help me draw on the flyer..
Din happen eventually cos my more tech savvy friend found good pics.
Thank God for helpful friends...
From this few days’ experience, I know I need 3 things.. Higher Capacity, Helpful and Capable Friends and God’s Wisdom… Ok.. very long entry le.. time to stop.. share more next time..
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Death, Burial, Resurrection..
I know there is another side of the story.
It is about the Father watching Jesus hanging on the cross.
God Almighty Himself, He who formed the heavens and the earth..
watching His Son plead to Him in prayers and suffering on the cross..
and would do nothing.
The pain of the Father watching His Child.
The One least deserved to die... There is entirely no justice in this.
God dying for the sins the people He created committed..
So when God said He would even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, I believed it because He paid a price so great.
We will not die and we will live. And though there is a desert, plants will grow and flourish. God has shown me so many times He is a God who holds the keys to our hearts and our destinies...
Probably one day God will show me what the Holy Spirit was doing at that time..:-)
Happiness is...
Haha.. sounds peaceful right..
On my lap is a book written by Dr A R Bernard, Happiness is..
There is a total of 30 passages, one for every day of the month.
So I came to Day 17 today.. and the page wrote.. Happiness is... Learning not to judge others..
The verse was one we are all so familiar with.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
We can help to look out for one another but we have absolutely no ability to judge the way God judges. God knows everything and we don't.
The person we need to prosecute and judge everyday of our lives is ourselves. For probably a few minutes everyday..
Then we refrain from doing it to others. Its supposed to make u happier.
Ok.. thats it for today..
Saturday, July 7, 2007
On a brighter note.
Anyone interested to watch Harry Potter too?
My God can do all things
Our lives, especially our private lives, has to be well led.
God uses those who faces up to painful failures in their personal lives, who confront it and become conquerors. Think Jacob, Moses...
This is especially important to those seeking to enter public ministry, esp those who labour in the Word and prayer, of which the latter should precede.
Compare Pst Kong's words and his life.
His life has great progress, he has so much to share with the congregation.
His sermons has great power.
Lets bring it down to a lower level.
To those who desire to be Shepherds, Teachers of the Word or the current In-Thing which is marketplace ministry, character and its integrity has to be number 1 priority. To last through all adversity and stay true to Jesus.
Because as a person progresses in life, personal weaknesses and inadequacies become painfully obvious, even small ones.. You got to suck in all your pride and deal with the issues in life and confront it, no matter what smart noble excuses you gave yourself in the past. Dun siam, no matter what that is. U may think siam better, dun embarrass ourselves.. but think.. better now than later.. when u wanna confront it? when u r already a senior in school? a father? stepped into a workplace? or even worse, in public ministry? (Well, i do really wanna siam contact lenses, but that is another story)
The true question is whether you want to be a powerful Christian or not.
For true power to flow through you by the Spirit and birth forth true fruits, you gotta be more than jus surviving. Conception. Pregnancy, Birth... Only a healthy and attractive woman give birth to healthy strong babies. When you are attractive to the Holy Spirit, He will become intimate with you. Conception. Without this start, nothing is really very fantastic.. How many of us know tt a lady gotta prep herself real well to attract a very good husband?
More so when u are trying to draw near to God..
If not He will love u from a distance, fine.. things will work out jus fine.
But is that all u want?
Or do u want to hold Him tight and get real close? Know Him and know the people He loves to draw near to.
The strength of our personal lives is directly related to our level of anointing. The sensitivity we have to the Voice of the Spirit, our fruitfulness. Our ability to draw near to a place of intimacy with God. Treasure every time you go to service, CG, prayer meetings... and for that matter, go to school, go work, go meet friends, go play, go fellowship, go courses... I admit I often forget to treasure them... esp the "secular ones"..
God, You can do all things...
My flesh and my heart and my plans they fail...
but You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Calling to Ministry
I was sitting at the table where there were 6 of us. Gotta learn a bit more about the people in my CCH zone.
As the conversation continued, i discovered i was sitting with a group of conquerors. I felt like the woman in 2 Kings whose son the prophet promised is dead..haha.. if u know what i mean..It is well. I said to myself.
These are people who have either realised their calling in ministry or on the verge of doing so.
They have ran the race and fought the good fight of faith and won the temporary crown and come into a temporary rest. These are 5 people who know where they are going and what they are doing already..
I envy these people..I know I want to be where these people are.
Fighting the battle with people of the same vision standing beside them.
It is bliss...
God I cling on to the words I've heard. I know it is not an illusion. Soon those words will not be things i put in my heart but a life lived out.. and expended..
There is something else that day, but I will leave it to another day to tell the story..
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
God Help Me..(rewritten)
Many changes and many hindrances
Many old challenges resurfacing in my life...
My heart and my flesh, they fail..
At this stage in my Christian life, i can ill afford such delays.
God Pls help me..
Thursday, June 21, 2007
ICT ---- 11 June - 18 June
So touched to hav u leave comments on my blog. thank you:-)
and Kgoon too for putting up a link on his blog..
I jus came back from ICT. Went back to try to be a scout agn.
My fitness is a far cry from last year. Flopped IPPT but outfield went well.
This ICT is really like a Sabbath.
A time to rest really. It was so refreshing.
God spoke to me about many things. Abt Courage.
He spoke about how we Christians can b so courageous cos of a God who will protect us.
tt Courage is really the key to grow up..
Thot abt it and discovered how every breakthru required so much courage and assurance from God.
It is the time of being set free from how others think about you and the many seemingly impt things u do which r actually not impt.
Recently some people i hav been reaching out to showed signs of health in spirituality.
that led me to realise the most impt thing i am doing in my life.
I thank God for prospering this area of my life, to give the increase where i sown..
it was really fruitless at first when i reached out to people tt others have alr given up on..
when others and even myself tell me that it is really a waste of time.
True enough, it was so long so long b4 i see the health signs i am seeing right now.
I felt so happy.. God this is really what i wanna do.
The impossible, the foolish things to this world with You and Your Voice...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
The Greatest Lover of all Times.
Well, the secod part is where most people freak out.
Not so, read on. Firstly God is not a dumb Father although a lot of people react to Him as though He is.
He wants you to receive new things so He says b4 He does it, He will give you warning first. (Isaiah) Can u imagine that?
Now, for a guy to accept new things, he needs to be humble.
See, the old ways have worked for him so many times that he jus dun noe what else to do.
The guy has become so good at it. Change is tough. Pride hinders. The guy rejects change initially.
Tough things always needs a little sweetening.
Thats where love comes into the picture.
Now God knows that and keeps His temper down a bit.
So thats why we are all still quite alive and kicking.
He knows that immediate compliance is rare.
All of us needs a bit of chasing, pursuing.
He attempts to capture our attention and entice us with the desires of our hearts.
God is good, He knows what makes His creation ticks.
oh the effort He puts in to send e message across to one person is incredible.
He is the best Lover of all Times.
So thank God I have a God with a better opinion of myself than myself...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Emerge and POS
And for the first time in my life, I am going to perform on stage in church.
So those from NTU, pls cheer ok? if only to let those N'US people know we r alive!!
It is my first year joining the Parade of Schools. Met a lot of harvesters and jus observing their reactions to situations caused me to learn some things about being a Christian.
Jus had my final rehearsal until 1030pm jus now.
I remembered something Sis Dorcas said during debrief, " POS is not an end in itself, but a means to a campus revival" I mean it sounds so simple you will find it a cliche. But thats the difference between Christians doing cheerleading and the world doing it right? Got to be more to it than bonding together right? i mean the magnitude of fellowship is like... errr like enough to go fight WW2 lor..
Campus Revival..
God, help us.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Its the move of God of the year.
Do catch something out of it. And pray God open for you doorways for the vision He's placed in ur hearts.
Emerge is a start. Its gonna set a tone, a direction.
Set yourself to listen and to catch.
Cos all listen to the same message yet the outcomes are different.
The difference is those who set themselves apart to follow and those who jus wanna lead their own quiet stress free life.
Ps 127
"Unless the Lord builds the house,
they labour in vain who build it."
Pray till u feel the substance of the vision.
That is called faith.
Cos if you start something u nv finish cos u are too lazy to seek God for it, then u say, "aiya, emerge is all hype la, Vision is fake fake one la"
Come on man, even the chicken know it gotta sit on an egg for 21 days to hatch it k?
U will not see anything happen to the egg for 21 days. But in it is life. a new chicken k? jus a new chicken to put 2 chicken wings on your plate takes 21 days, k?
Can put in some effort for a vision from God?
My First Post
Share with u a verse I read in 1 Peter 5:3-4
Peter wrote to shepherds of God's flock.
"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock;
and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away."
Very clear instructions.
Christian leadership being described here.
Compare its meaning in leadership to Hebrews 4:15
"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin."
The source of Jesus' compassion.
And the qualifications earned, tempted but not sinning in response to it. Strength of character.
The readings of the day. very short. hope there was something to think about for a few mins.