Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Death, Burial, Resurrection..

We all know the story.. of Jesus hanging on a cross and dying for us. And the sunday when He rose from the dead and the victory was won for us.

I know there is another side of the story.
It is about the Father watching Jesus hanging on the cross.
God Almighty Himself, He who formed the heavens and the earth..
watching His Son plead to Him in prayers and suffering on the cross..
and would do nothing.

The pain of the Father watching His Child.
The One least deserved to die... There is entirely no justice in this.
God dying for the sins the people He created committed..

So when God said He would even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, I believed it because He paid a price so great.
We will not die and we will live. And though there is a desert, plants will grow and flourish. God has shown me so many times He is a God who holds the keys to our hearts and our destinies...

Probably one day God will show me what the Holy Spirit was doing at that time..:-)

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