Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bring me to the Rock, who is higher...

Its been some time since I blogged here. I realize God reads my blog. Its true. I read my previous blog today and God has helped me to arrive at where I am today, according to the words I wrote in my previous blog. 

God, prosper that which I lay my hands on. Bring my success to completion. Bring me to lean on you. Place me in the marketplace, according to your mercies. Give me the work which You have prepared for my hands in service of your saints. Bring me to the place where there is no more deceit, according to Your pleasures. Preserve my name, for it is an ointment to my soul. Keep my family in health, in unity and in communion with You. Bless the church, that saints may be added day by day. Add to me friends with vision and friends with words of encourage. I shall be above and never beneath. What pleasures do You have in Your children when they are in dire need. They shall lean on You and be strong, mighty in word and deed, a royal king, a holy priesthood.

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