Thursday, August 28, 2008


My blog has been dead for a long while.
Due to massive workloads...

As Bro Bobby has described, ...9 theological book reviews, 10 mock cgs and 5 preaching tests....

So today is the resurrection.. 12.42 am on thursday morning.
Wonderful day.

Hahaha.. lets continue another day. I got things to write about but probably not now.
Now I work...


:: 哭泣的星星 :: said...

mr koh, come forth..

Unknown said...


Ah JaN said...

Quick, THink, speak and TYPEeeee!!!!


Hazel aka Qin said...

it's been some time since u posted that post n nothing new has come forth... Faints... So much for the resurrection huh? Heh...